Monday, December 14, 2009
yahoo pipes - Movie Trailers
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
iPhone Development - Web Style
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Net neutrality
The principle states that if a given user pays for a certain level of Internet access, and another user pays for a given level of access, that the two users should be able to connect to each other at the subscribed level of access.
Neutrality proponents claim that telecom companies seek to impose a tiered service model in order to control the pipeline and thereby remove competition, create artificial scarcity, and oblige subscribers to buy their otherwise uncompetitive services. Many believe net neutrality to be primarily important as a preservation of current freedoms. Vinton Cerf, considered as a "father of the Internet" and co-inventor of the Internet Protocol, Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the web, and many others have spoken out in favor of network neutrality.
Opponents of net neutrality characterize its regulations as "a solution in search of a problem", arguing that broadband service providers have no plans to block content or degrade network performance. In spite of this claim, certain Internet service providers (such as Comcast) have intentionally slowed peer-to-peer (P2P) communications. Still, other companies have acted in contrast to these assertions of hands-off behavior and have begun to use deep packet inspection to discriminate against P2P, FTP and online games, instituting a cell-phone style billing system of overages, free-to-telecom "value added" services, and bundling. Critics of net neutrality also argue that data discrimination of some kinds, particularly to guarantee quality of service, is not problematic, but is actually highly desirable. Bob Kahn has called the term net neutrality a "slogan" and states that he opposes establishing it.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Findability refers to the quality of being locatable or navigable. Relating findability to the web or SEO, it means how easily your site can be found when doing a search engine search. How high are you ranked on a search? If you did not make it onto the first page of a Google search...the chances that someone will dig through the search results far enough to find your site fall drastically. Findability and SEO together bring together many web designs ideals...SEO deals with the things that a developer can do to make a site more findable; things such as header tags, the title tag, and key word ratio all seek to make a website more findable with regards to a search engine.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Web 3.0
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Videos and the Web
What is the value the video adds to the website?
Who are your primary visitors or users?
Do your users have the browsers and bandwidth necessary for the multimedia you wish to add?
What is the primary purpose of your page or site?
Will sound and video add to, or detract from what you are communicating?
These questions will help to ensure that the video is relevant and carries a meaning for the targeted users. If the content is completely irrelevant and has no application with the primary audience than the creation of the video was essentially a waste of time. To help keep a video on track and on topic the use of a script is important. Addressing the capabilities of the user’s browsers and bandwidth is also important to ensure that the target audience can view the great video content that has been created. The use of good quality equipment will also be important to having a good quality video produced.
Why use audio or video?
Sometimes the use of audio and/or video may be the best way to get your point across. Also video may be a good supplemental source, such as a how to video to supplement written out instructions. Audio and video can also be used to stand apart from the competition by adding a “wow factor” or by adding a personal touch which may appeal to the target audience.
It isn’t always easy to create a video with meaningful content and a high level of quality but by following the simple guidelines outlined here you should be well on your way to creating a great online video.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Here is a easy to understand video on SOA
Dr. Horrible...
Adobe Air w/Flex
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Twitter Tools

One thing that makes Twitter so addictive (and useful) is the are a few... - This allows tweeters to share pictures. This application syncs nicely with the iPhone...take a picture with your phone and then Tweet about the picture to the Tweet.
Twitterific - An iPhone app that allows you to use Twitter from you iPhone with ease. Its very the free app, set the app up with you current Twitter account info and Tweet away. There is also a Twitterific Premium app that sells for $3.99...I don't have any info on this app because I tried out the free one first and liked it fine...
Twitterfeed - Easily turn your Blog post into Tweets.
Qwitter - Huge potential for businesses. This basically lets you know when someone that was following you stops, via e-mail. Very useful for a business that is tracking customers or how advertising may be working.
EarthTwit - This is a cool application that allows you to use Google Earth to update your location or share some favorite places...or use it to keep track of freaky? you decide.
Twitter Uses
Within say 24 hours of creating my Twitter account I had a retail sales rep sending me Tweets. One of the ones that I found useful is updates on sporting events and tickets. Twitter has created another medium for free advertising. Much like the social networking sites, Twitter allows people to keep intouch with friends, businesses, and...well anyone or company that they can find. News feeds seem to be making some waves on Twitter. Just noticed that you can follow you favorite (or least favorite) celebrity...this seems to be very popular and is becoming a sort of press release in the celebrity community (interesting). This doesnt even scratch the surface, Twitter is being used by every type of business, organization, person...endless...Tweet
One thing that is good to careful what you Tweet! A Tweet cannot be changed once it has been posted. Not the end of the world because there is always the delete option (which I have already had to use) that allows you to remove the Tweet and start over.
Some things are better left private...Twitter allows private Tweets or messages that can be sent to a specific person.
Twitter or Facebook...have your cake and eat it too. Twitter has a facebook application that allows you to sync your Tweets and your facebook status, now no one has to miss out on all of the great things that you do.
Privacy...Ok maybe its not a good idea for your boss to read everything that you Tweet...set your account to Private. This will force people to send you a request to allow them to see your Tweets.
Followers / ing...Followers are just what you would think, people following your Tweets, or you following their Tweets. Follow anyone that you want...anyone can follow you as well, but you can block them and they can block you as well.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Add to Wikipedia...Anyone
iPhone Development
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Blue Ocean Strategy
The Blue Ocean Strategy focuses on creating new market space as opposed to competing in the “Red” or current market space.According to the Blue Ocean authors traditional competition-based strategies (red ocean strategies) while necessary, are not sufficient to sustain high performance. However the idea of simply “creating” a new market space seems a bit…optimistic and simple minded. True, if one can find an untapped market that business is likely to flourish, at least until some red competition moves in. Finding this untapped market is what most businesses hope to do even if they are already completing in the red ocean. Finding that Blue Ocean market is more of a wish or hope than a business strategy…Apple in the last few years has hit combined the blue with the red by creating products such as the iPhone that reinvents an old product (cell phone) creating a new market for cell phone shoppers. However, this is only a temporary blue ocean b/c the competition is working to catch up (and will catch up), so should Apple simply move away from this product or should they continue to develop it and compete with the others much like they have with their Macs. Macs entered into a red market but have done very well…good concept, just doesn’t seem like a great overall business strategy. To succeed, a business must be able to find that blue ocean, but if a business cannot compete while search for that blue ocean product idea, success will fade as their boat drifts into the red ocean.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
iphone apps for students - article
This article explains that iPhone Apps are not just fun and games. Students can choose apps that are useful for organization, studying, homework help, and conversions. Convert, now one of the top iPhone apps, does conversions for pretty much anything...angles, area, temperature and force...etc.The artilce is focusing on the high school / college student it seems with apps like Algebra pro and homework helper. I think thatthe top ten list could make use of the GPS / location features and create an app with a special map of a campus (this would be a huge benefit on the UGA Athens campus which is huge and very spread out) that would include buildings as well as give some kind ofinformation of what is in those buildings (MLC: student use computers, coffee shop...etc). After reading this article I came up withprobably 5 additional apps that I think would benefit college students much to develop them!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Application Deployment
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
HTML 4.01 vs HTML 5
My name is Chris Cone, I'm a recent (May 2009) graduate of the University Of Georgia, recently married (May 2009) and recently (May 2009) started a new position with The Home Depot as a Application Developer. As you can see May 2009 was a very busy time, I'm still trying to get my head screwed back on after our move to Atlanta from Athens in August. I'm hoping that the MIT program will allow me to gain an competitive advantage in the technoloy department while introducing me to new technologies and best practices.
HTML 4.01 vs HTML 5
HTML 4.01 is the current web standard...however it comes up short in many areas. HTML 5 looks to impove upon the current edition. The 5th version seeks to add error handling which is a major downfall of HTML 4.01. This error handling will improve the consistency at which a web page is returned to a client. This is great news for developers due to the fact that their pages will be displayed more accurately and with more consistency. It will aslo allow browser developers to lower cost.
HTML 5 will also provide a much better enviornment for creating RIAs without the addition of JavaScript and Flash. It will also allow storage beyond what cookies can support making form validation much simpler for the developers and make them much faster for the users. Overall HMTL 5 looks promising, giving HTML 4.01 a much needed update.